Sisters of Mary

The Dominican Sisters of MaryThe Dominican Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Eurcharist, have overseen the administration of the Spiritus Sanctus Academies since 1997.

The Dominican Sisters of Mary is a Roman Catholic community of religious women founded as a response to St. John Paul II’s call for new religious foundations to embody the graces of the New Evangelization of the third millennium Church.

Through profession of the vows of chastity, poverty, and obedience, along with a contemplative emphasis on Eucharistic adoration and Marian devotion, our community exists for the salvation of souls and the building of the Church throughout the world. Our apostolate, as spiritual mothers, is the preaching and teaching of Truth.

While their Motherhouse is in Ann Arbor, Michigan, their apostolic endeavors frequently bring them to other parts of the United States and beyond. We invite you to learn more about their involvement in the New Evangelization through their website.