2024 Annual Benefit Gala

The Dominican Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Eucharist thank you for supporting the
Spiritus Sanctus Academy 28th Annual Benefit Gala!

If you were not able to attend but would still like to donate to the schools' Scholarship Appeal, please click here.

Here are the Raffle Winners!

Benefit Raffle

Grand Prize $10,000 - Bea van Holsbeeck
1st Prize $1,000 - Erin Martin
2nd Prize $500 - Hollie Cardenas
3rd Prize $250 - Jorge Barrantes

Dozen Chances Raffle

Ultimate SSA Gift Bundle - Pam Heldt
Camp Sancta Maria Boys' Camp Gift Certificate - Peter Domas
No Lunch Duty, Ann Arbor - Tulio Decan
No Lunch Duty, Plymouth - Kathryn Kristoff
St. Francis Retreat Center Gift Card - Susan Illikman
Miles Christi Gift Certificate - Lisa Kilijanczyk
Lipari Foods Gift Basket - Tulio Decan
Magformers Gift Bundle - Cara Jacoboni
Sterling Silver Pearl Bracelet - Jacoboni
Lucky Lotto Gift Basket - Mark Gregor
$200 Cash - Jerry LeBlanc
Toro Snowblower - Garret Hanna

A special THANK YOU to our Platinum Sponsors!


For any questions, please contact Reta and Shelly at: [email protected]

Thank you!

Reta Mourad, 2024 Benefit Gala Chair